For more information contact:

Krista Batchelor

(410) 778-2184

For  immediate  release  . . .





Chestertown, Md., August 13, 2008 – Mullin/Ashley Associates, a mid-Atlantic communications, PR and marketing research firm, has been recognized in the 2008 Aster Awards national competition with award-winning entries for two Maryland healthcare organizations:  Anne Arundel Medical Center and the Maryland Hospital Association.


A Gold Award was captured by Mullin/Ashley in the competition’s “internal publications” category for a printed booklet designed and produced for Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis.  Titled Keep Taking the Pulse, this piece summarized results from a survey conducted with AAMC’s more than 2,800 employees, and showed how their opinions are driving organizational change and helping AAMC realize its vision of being a key “destination hospital” in Maryland.  The judges liked how the report was designed, citing the way the key research findings were presented in easy-to-understand language accompanied by colorful charts and other eye-catching graphics.


A Silver Award was won by Mullin/Ashley in the competition’s “external publications” category for the Nursing Executive Summary, a special publication designed and produced for the Maryland Hospital Association.  The aim of this piece is to heighten awareness of the projected nursing shortage in Maryland, and to outline the steps needed to address and alleviate this shortage.  According to Marlayn King, Mullin/Ashley’s creative director, the publication focused on the efforts that hospitals, educational institutions, elected officials and other governmental personnel need to make to create an environment more conducive to the nursing profession.  “The MHA wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the nursing shortage – and that a concerted effort needs to be made to attract more people to the profession and encourage them to work in Maryland health institutions,” she noted.


The Maryland Hospital Association piece was also an award-winner earlier this year in the Alfred Knight Awards Competition run by the Maryland Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development, as well as the Healthcare Advertising Awards competition conducted by Healthcare Marketing Report magazine, a national trade publication.


The Aster Awards is a major national competition recognizing excellence in medical marketing.  With more than 3,000 entries submitted for the 2008 competition, each one was judged on criteria including creativity, layout, production quality, as well as overall message and “knowledge transfer.”  Winners at the Gold and Silver level achieved scores of at least 90 on a 100-point scale, and represented the top 12% of all entries submitted. 


This is the second consecutive year that Mullin/Ashley has entered and won in the competition.  “We’re particularly pleased to have performed so well this year,” Phillip Nones, president and director of client services, said.  “Winning in the Aster Awards program helps burnish the strong reputation we’ve built in the healthcare field over the past decade.  It’s particularly gratifying to receive an award for the very first communications piece we designed and produced for the Maryland Hospital Association,” he added.


Established in 1978, Mullin/Ashley Associates is a communications, PR and market research firm serving healthcare, industrial, commercial and service organizations.  The company has clients in six states plus Europe.  More information on Mullin/Ashley and its communications portfolio can be found at




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PRESS INQUIRIES: Please contact Krista Batchelor, 410-778-2184.