For more information contact:

Krista Batchelor

(410) 778-2184

For  immediate  release  . . .






Chestertown, Md., July 23, 2008 – Mullin/Ashley Associates, a mid-Atlantic communications, PR and marketing research firm, has been recognized in the 25th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards national competition with two award-winning entries. 


A Bronze Award was captured by Mullin/Ashley in the competition’s “employee communications” category for a printed booklet designed and produced for Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis.  This piece summarized results from an enterprise-wide survey of AAMC’s more than 2,700 employees.  Titled Keep Taking the Pulse, the piece summarized the key findings from the research in easy-to-understand language and colorful, eye-catching graphics.  It also communicated to the employees that their opinions and views drive change.  Their ideas and suggestions are helping AAMC realize its vision of being a major “destination hospital” in Maryland – not only for patients, but also for physicians and other staff. 


An Award of Merit was also won by Mullin/Ashley for the Nursing Executive Summary – a special publication designed and produced for the Maryland Hospital Association.  The aim of this piece was to heighten awareness of the projected nursing shortage in Maryland, and to outline the steps needed to address and alleviate this shortage in the coming years. 


According to Marlayn King, Mullin/Ashley’s creative director, the MHA publication focuses on private- and public-sector responses to the nursing shortage crisis, including the efforts that hospitals, educational institutions, elected officials and other governmental personnel must make to create an environment more conducive to nursing as a profession and a career.  “The MHA wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the nursing shortage, and that a concerted effort needs to be made to attract more people to the profession and encourage them to work in Maryland health institutions,” she said.


The Maryland Hospital Association piece was also an award-winner this year in the Alfred Knight Awards Competition, conducted by the Maryland Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development.


The Healthcare Advertising Awards is an annual competition conducted by Healthcare Marketing Report magazine, the premier national periodical covering marketing, communications and strategic business development in the healthcare industry.  Celebrating its quarter-century anniversary this year, the awards competition is the oldest and largest of its type in the industry.  More than 4,400 entries were submitted this year – the largest number of entries received in 25 years of judging.  A national panel of judges reviewed all entries based on creativity, quality, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design and overall impact.


Commenting on the awards won by Mullin/Ashley, Phillip Nones, Mullin/Ashley’s president and director of client services, stated, “We’re always excited to participate in this competition that includes so many entries developed for the best-known healthcare institutions in the country.  This is the fifth year we’ve participated in the Healthcare Advertising Awards competition, and we’re pleased to have had at least one award-winning entry each time.”


Established in 1978, Mullin/Ashley Associates is a communications, PR and market research firm serving healthcare, industrial, commercial and service organizations.  Its clients are located in six states plus Europe.  The company’s headquarters are at the Historic Radcliffe Mill complex in Chestertown, Md.  Web site address:





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PRESS INQUIRIES: Please contact Krista Batchelor, 410-778-2184.