For more information contact:

Krista Batchelor

(410) 778-2184

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Chestertown, Md., August 29, 2007 – Mullin/Ashley Associates, a mid-Atlantic communications, PR and marketing research firm, has been recognized in the 2007 Aster Awards national competition with two award-winning entries.  Both awards were captured by Mullin/Ashley for communications materials designed and produced for Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis. 

A Gold Award was won for an annual report created for the AAMC Foundation.  The Report’s theme – “These are the doctors you want” – is emphasized using compelling personal stories of patients that illustrate the medical specialties and technologies offered by AAMC.  This approach helps portray AAMC as a pacesetting medical institution, while at the same time providing the caring environment of a community hospital. 

A Bronze Award was captured by Mullin/Ashley for an interactive CD-ROM for Anne Arundel Medical Center titled “Destination AAMC: Find Your Future Here.”  Designed to help recruit physicians from a national pool of talent, this CD incorporates information on AAMC’s capabilities, medical specialties and technology.  In addition, comprehensive information about Annapolis and the surrounding region promotes the attractiveness of living in the area, covering topics such as history, sports and recreation, education and the arts, along with interactive links to other web sites.  The CD influences not only the physician, but also the physician’s family about a pending move to the area.

The Aster Awards is a major national competition recognizing excellence in medical marketing.  With approximately 3,000 entries submitted for the 2007 competition, each one is judged on criteria including creativity, layout, production quality, as well as overall message/knowledge transfer.  Winners at the Gold and Silver level achieved a score of at least 90 on a 100-point scale, and represented the top 12% of all entries submitted. 

Commenting on the two awards won for AAMC by Mullin/Ashley, Phillip Nones, president and director of client services, stated, “We’re particularly pleased to have performed so well in the 2007 Aster Awards national healthcare marketing competition.  This program helps burnish the strong reputation we’ve built in the healthcare field over the past decade.”

Established in 1978, Mullin/Ashley Associates is a communications, PR and market research firm serving healthcare, industrial, commercial and service organizations.  The company has clients in six states plus Europe.  More information on Mullin/Ashley and its communications portfolio can be found at


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PRESS INQUIRIES: Please contact Krista Batchelor, 410-778-2184.