For more information contact:

Jim Hussin

Hayward Baker Inc.

(813) 884-3441

Trena Williamson

Mullin/Ashley Associates, Inc.

(410) 778-2184


For Immediate Release...






Odenton, Md., July 9, 2008John R. Wolosick, P.E., M.ASCE, has been named the recipient of the 2008 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award.  The Geo-Institute Board of Governors of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) selected Wolosick for this award, noting his valuable contributions to micropile design and development, slope stabilization and retaining wall repairs.

The award citation presented to Wolosick cited his work for “novel and innovative design and construction applications for micropiling, earth retention, slope and dam stabilization works and the dissemination of this experience through publications, presentations, seminars and tireless promotion of new technology for acceptance in industry and government.”

Wolosick is Director of Engineering for Hayward Baker Inc.’s office in Atlanta, Ga., where he covers projects nationwide and specializes in micropiling and underpinning, anchors, earth retention and landslide stabilization, plus all types of grouting.  Active in the geotechnical field for more than 25 years, he has been instrumental in the development and implementation of high capacity micropiles.  Wolosick has also worked extensively on ground anchorage, soil nailing and landslide stabilization projects. 

As part of his ongoing involvement and commitment to the field, Wolosick has contributed to task forces that have produced Code documents for the International Building Code (IBC) and AASHTO and practice guidelines for ASCE.  He has also written Guide Specifications for micropiles and soil nailing for the Deep Foundations Institute.

Wolosick is a frequent speaker at universities and industry seminars.  He is also an instructor for ASCE on earth retention, and at the National Highway Institute (NHI) for micropiles and earth retaining structures.  He is the author of more than 30 technical papers.

Wolosick is a Trustee of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the former Co-Chair of the ADSC/DFI Micropile committee (2004-2007).  He serves also as a member of the ASCE Earth Retaining Structures committee and is Past-Chair of the ASCE Georgia Section Geotechnical Committee (2003-2005).

Commenting on Wolosick winning the 2008 Martin S. Kapp  Foundation Engineering Award, George Grisham, president of Hayward Baker, stated, “We are very pleased that John has been recognized for his many years of service to the field.  His willingness to contribute time and talent is testament not only to his abiding interest in the profession, but also of his willingness to promote knowledge and adoption of the latest technological advancements in the geotechnical field.”

Wolosick holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Prior to joining Hayward Baker in 1996, Mr. Wolosick worked for Law Engineering and Nicholson Construction Company.

About Hayward Baker Inc.

Hayward Baker Inc. is North America’s largest geotechnical contractor.  Ranked by ENR magazine as the #1 Foundation Contractor, the company is the industry leader in applying ground modification technologies to site improvement and remedial work, with a 60-year record of experience.  Many technologies are employed in providing foundation support and rehabilitation services as well as settlement control, structural support, site improvement, soil and slope stabilization, underpinning, excavation shoring, earth retention, seismic stabilization, and groundwater control. 

Every service provided by Hayward Baker is designed to be the most effective, cost-efficient solution, based on a proven track record of performance in the field.  Services are provided through a network of more than 20 company-owned offices and equipment yards across the North American continent.  Web site address:

Hayward Baker Inc. is part of the Keller Group of companies, a multinational organization providing geotechnical construction services throughout the world.  Web site address:



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Photo Caption: 

John R. Wolosick, P.E., M.ASCE, of  Hayward Baker Inc has been named the recipient of the 2008 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award.


Press inquiries please contact Krista Batchelor, 410-778-2184