For more information contact:

Wayne Daggett

Bettcher Industries, Inc.

(440) 965-4422

Phillip Nones

Mullin/Ashley Associates, Inc.

(410) 778-2184

. . .  For immediate release  . . .





Birmingham, Oh., November 29,2007— The Whizard® Power Knife from Bettcher Industries delivers faster, easier and more consistent gyros and shawarma sandwiches, souflaki and donner kabobs.  By enabling operators to prepare an average of 25 more sandwiches per 30-lb. cone of meat, the Power Knife helps reduce food costs while saving labor and speeding up food service for customers.

Bettcher’s Power Knife cuts longer, thinner slices of meat for a fuller, better-looking sandwich, while at the same time increasing sandwich yields an average of 25%.  For typical operators, this translates into hundreds of dollars in food savings each week, enabling them to easily recoup their equipment investment in increased yields alone.

Engineered for comfort and safety as well as for productivity, the Power Knife reduces operator muscle fatigue as it glides effortlessly across the cone of meat.  Using the tool’s specially engineered adjustable depth gauge, operators can regulate and control the overall quality, consistency and thickness of the meat slices far more accurately compared to using a conventional straight knife.  Bettcher’s unique, fast-rotating circular blade works in conjunction with the depth gauge to produce uniform meat slices – sandwich after sandwich. 

With the Power Knife from Bettcher Industries, even untrained employees can quickly learn the art of preparing consistent-quality, great-looking gyros sandwiches for customers.  A safety shut-off feature reduces the risk of injury while promoting safe operation. 

The Power Knife is also very easy to sharpen, clean and maintain, and its rugged construction will provide years of trouble-free operation. 

The Power Knife is one of numerous trimming tools available from Bettcher Industries, the pioneer in this product segment.  Established in 1944, Bettcher Industries is a leading U.S. developer and manufacturer of innovative precision cutting tools for foodservice and food processing operations, with sales and service operations in more than 50 countries around the world.  For more information about the Whizard® Power Knife, call (440) 965-4422, e-mail your request to, or visit



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The Whizard® Power Knife from Bettcher Industries delivers faster, easier and more consistent gyros and shawarma sandwiches, souflaki and donner kabobs. 

Press inquiries please contact Krista Batchelor , 410-778-2184