For more information contact:

Don Esch

Bettcher Industries, Inc.

(440) 965-4422

Phillip Nones

Mullin/Ashley Associates, Inc.

(410) 778-2184


. . .  For immediate release  . . .





Birmingham, Oh., October 24, 2007 — Bettcher Industries organized its first-ever Charity Golf Outing on October 7, 2007 to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  The outing, which was held at the Vermilion Country Club in Erie County, raised $7,000 for the foundation’s program that grants special wishes to terminally ill children.

According to Ann Buchs, human resources assistant, the event included nine holes of golf followed by a full-course dinner at the country club.  Nearly 50 golfers participated in the outing, including eight employees of Bettcher Industries.  In addition, more than 80 Northeast Ohio businesses lent their support to the outing in the form of a financial contribution or the donation of services.


“Our company has supported various charitable organizations over the years, but this is our first time for supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation,” Buchs reported.  Founded in 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation is America’s premier wish-granting organization for children with life-threatening medical conditions.  It is supported by a network of more than 25,000 volunteers who serve as wish-granters, fundraisers, and special events assistants.  The Foundation reportedly “grants a wish” to a child every 45 minutes.


Buchs stated that the Make-A-Wish Foundation is one of several charitable organizations that were chosen for support for the first time at Bettcher Industries in 2007.  “In addition to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, our Community Involvement Committee selected Habitat for Humanity, the United Way Day of Caring, plus walks benefiting multiple sclerosis and autism research,” she reported.  “Our employees have been very excited to support each of these programs – not only by participating in the events themselves, but also by selling tickets, putting on an ice cream social, selling box lunches and participating in various other activities,” Buchs added.


Larry Bettcher, president, noted that the Make-A-Wish Charity Golf Outing is reflective of the giving spirit of his company’s workforce.  “We try to foster a community spirit at Bettcher Industries.  What makes this easy is the deep-rooted generosity and community commitment of our employees,” he said.  “We live in communities throughout the four-county region, and are involved in community activities ranging from civic and cultural endeavors to those supporting healthcare, the environment, education and our kids.  So it’s only natural that we find great interest and support in the charitable activities organized by our company,” Bettcher added.


Established in 1944, Bettcher Industries brings more than six decades of successful innovation to the food processing industry.  The company is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative precision cutting tools for food processing and industrial operations.  A family-owned business based in Birmingham, Ohio, Bettcher Industries is an ISO 9001-certified company with direct distribution and service in more than 50 other countries throughout the world, making it a major export manufacturer in the Northeast Ohio region.  The company is currently embarking on a major plant expansion program at its headquarters location.



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Photo Caption: 

Bettcher Industries employees in organizing a charity golf outing benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation, held at the Vermilion Country Club on October 7, 2007.

Press Inquires:  Please contact Krista Batchelor, 410-778-2184.