For more information contact:

Wayne Daggett

Bettcher Industries, Inc.

(440) 965-4422


For  immediate  release  . . .




Birmingham, Oh., April 10, 2006 —With the rising popularity of poultry dark meat, processors are seeking better tools to optimize yield, throughput and profits for this increasingly important product category.  Whizard® Series II Trimmers from Bettcher Industries are designed for many important and diverse poultry applications, including dark meat deboning.

Compared to mechanically deboned (MDB) dark meat, Whizard® Series II Trimmers remove bones and knuckles quickly and efficiently – without needing to be concerned about breaks, splinters or fragments.  This virtually eliminates time-consuming “rework” activities and labor-intensive QC inspections. 

Equally important, when compared to using a straight knife or MDB equipment, Whizard® Series II Trimmers deliver higher meat yields – often up to 5% more.  This increased yield quickly adds up, giving plants measurably better bottom-line performance.  In addition, the Whizard® Trimmer performs the entire deboning process, whereas with MDB equipment, workers are required to perform the additional step of removing broken bones or knuckles that often remain in mechanically deboned meat.  Moreover, the equipment and maintenance costs of MDB machines are dramatically higher compared to using Whizard® Trimmers.

Whizard® Series II Trimmers also produce a much better-looking finished product because the cut is cleaner – no forced separation of bone from the meat – and the tissue is not damaged.

With the Whizard® Series II Trimmer, it is much easier to monitor yields and productivity at the operator level, rather than having to rely on “macro” measurements such as incoming versus finished weight comparisons.  Moreover, it is easier to train new workers on Whizard® Series II Trimmers compared to using a straight knife.  Plus, since operating the Series II Trimmer is less fatiguing – with less stress and strain on the wrist – ongoing productivity improves.

The Whizard® Series II line is the latest generation of trimmers from Bettcher Industries, which were first pioneered by the company in the late 1980s.  They incorporate new, patented design elements to enhance operator productivity, safety and comfort.  For example, all Series II handpieces feature a contoured handle to reduce grip force and torque momentum.  Operators can choose from five handle sizes, which are easily interchangeable.  The handles are color-coded by size for easy identification, and are very comfortable – even during periods of extended use.  A hand-strap provides operators with added control if desired, while the flex-shaft/casing attaches to the handpiece with a simple two-action motion.

The new features of Whizard® Series II Modular Trimmers are designed for the changing poultry processing workforce.  They add a new degree of safety and comfort, along with promoting higher productivity and better bottom-line profits.

Established in 1944, Bettcher Industries is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative precision cutting tools for food processing operations, with sales and service in more than 50 countries throughout the world.  For more information on Whizard® Series II Trimmers for poultry dark meat deboning, breast scapula trimming, turkey carcass trimming and other processing applications, call (440) 965-4422, e-mail your request to, or visit the company’s web site at


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Press inquiries please contact Phillip Nones, 410-778-2184