For more information contact:

Wayne Daggett

Bettcher Industries, Inc.

(440) 965-4422


Phillip Nones

Mullin/Ashley Associates, Inc.

(410) 778-2184


For immediate release . . .





... Improves Tuna Yields and Appearance


Birmingham, Oh., January 24, 2006 — Whizard(R) Series II Trimmers from Bettcher Industries are specially designed for tuna dark meat trimming and other seafood brown meat removal applications.  Operators add measurable value to their products – along with enhancing yields – when employing this precision-trimming operation.  An extra bonus:  it also improves product appearance. 

The Whizard(R) Trimmer’s adjustable depth gauge allows for more flexibility and exactness in the trim thickness – even when operated by newly trained operators.  Ease of use – coupled with patented design elements that improve productivity, safety and comfort – make Whizard(R)  Trimmers the best way to tackle challenging tuna trimming jobs faster, easier, and more profitably.  With a variety of blade sizes and configurations offered, you can select the right sized tool to trim your product with unsurpassed consistency and efficiency, resulting in higher yields, improved appearance and a premium finished product. 


Whizard(R)  Trimmers are the latest generation of trimmers available from Bettcher Industries, the originator of trimming technology.  Whizard(R) Trimmers incorporate patented design elements to enhance operator productivity, safety and comfort while making difficult trimming jobs quicker, easier and more profitable.  For more details, contact Scott Gregory at 440-965-4422, or visit


Established in 1944, Bettcher Industries brings more than five decades of successful innovation to the meat processing industry.  The company is a leading worldwide developer and manufacturer of innovative precision cutting tools for food processing and industrial applications.  Based in the United States, Bettcher Industries is an ISO 9001-certified company with direct distribution and service in more than 40 countries throughout the world.



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Photo Caption:  Improve tuna yields and product appearance with precise removal of brown meat.  Bettcher’s unique, patented Whizard(R)  Trimmer makes brown meat trimming more accurate for increased yields.  

Press inquires please contact Phil Nones, 410-778-2184